You must be at least 18-years-of-age, sign a liability waiver, and be a resident of DC or one of DC’s surrounding counties (Prince George’s, Montgomery, Arlington, Alexandria)
Within 24 hours of submitting the sign up form below, you will receive an email from our software program AssetTiger, under the Green Neighbors DC name and logo (as managers of the library for DC’s Department of Parks and Recreation), inviting you to verify your email and set a password. Once in, you can take a look at our inventory on the AssetTiger website or mobile app.
Note: Do not create your own AssetTiger account. We need to do it for you.
You can also drop by during our Saturday morning open hours or make an appointment with us to see the library first and/or check out tools then–just bring your DC DL.
Note: if you have the same name as someone in the system, we may add a number to your name.